Anything spooky inside?
October 5th
Kyonyuu JK ga Oji-san Chinpo ep1
Kyonyuu Dosukebe Gakuen ep1
October 26th
Dokidoki Little Ooyasan ep3
Oyasumi Sex ep1
Maken no hime wa eroerodesu
Hasan de Ageru ep2
Hatsujou Switch
Kansen Sodom
Saimin Gakuen ep4
October 5th
Kyonyuu JK ga Oji-san Chinpo ep1
Not much story to this other than 3 girls each with their own scenes. Though unfortunately it had to be with ugly fat men. The interesting thing about this title though is that it feels like T-Rex took a different style approach with it making it look slightly different from what they usually put out. In most cases you can identify work from them easily but in this case you actually have to look slightly closer to see they did this. The different style makes this not look like another same monthly release by them we always get. An episode 2 also comes out next month.
Getting it from getchu gets this tapestry.
Getting it from toranoana gets this tapestry.
Kyonyuu Dosukebe Gakuen ep1
The description of the game from vndb
“At the protagonist school there is a famous club of girls said to bully and target men breaking them down with sex until they are like lifeless husks an move on to next victim. rumor says all them combine have had over 200 sex partners. One day on train the protagonist is able to hear conversation between college girls and club girls. Turns out they are all virgins who never had sex before. Unlucky (or lucky) for protagonist he is caught eavesdropping. That is day they decide to silence protagonist by finally living up to rumors by making him there target of club.”
A second episode is set to come out in december. Hopefully it focuses on the other girls since the first episode only had the main girl. The downside though is that they will have to try and fit all 3 in the remaining episode’s short time(glasses girl better not be skipped).
Buying from getchu gets this tapestry.
October 26th
Dokidoki Little Ooyasan ep3
A 3rd episode to the loli landlady series. A 4th episode has already been announced for december as well. The cover and the start of some of the screenshots had me thinking this would be the best episode so far but then I saw the screens right after a certain part. This is going to be a month of try and annoy me constantly isn’t it? Don’t show me her with glasses and then proceed to take them off in the middle of the scene. I’m guessing this might end up being 4 or 5 episodes in total like some of the other titles belonging to a1c.
Buying from getchu gets this tapestry.
Oyasumi Sex ep1
This is probably meant to be Mary Jane’s next title aimed at the shoujo ramune fanbase. Main guy’s sister tells him she has been confessed to by a boy at school to test how he would react. Main guy decides to start doing stuff to her each night while she is asleep to prep her for when he rapes her since he doesn’t want anyone else to have her. Regardless she pretends to be asleep and let’s him do stuff to her each night till he finally decides to go all the way after drugging her with alcohol. So it’s one of those “rape me but I’m fine with it” things. Don’t know why Mary Jane has to make their loli titles rapish but whatever. Also don’t really care for hentai in which the woman is noninteracting due to her being either asleep or pretending to be asleep. Might as well be watching a guy fuck a toy doll at that point. Anyway an episode 2 has already been announced for next year so there is still more after this plus the manga does have more to work with as well.
Buying from getchu gets this tapestry.
Buying from mary jane’s site gets this coaster.
Maken no hime wa eroerodesu
Being fantasy based fortunately makes this feel different from the stuff poro is always doing. Still suffers from same face issues but at the very least you can avoid getting this mixed up with the majority of all their other titles due to the setting being different. Assuming this follows the pattern of their other LN adaptions this will probably end up getting 4 episodes I would assume before they just drop it. Seriously they keep starting these LN adaptions and doing a few episodes of them before just stopping leaving it hanging. There are still some LN adaptions they did left unfinished like that arena one and who knows if they will ever go back to it. Wish they would finish a series first before moving on to something else. Anyway as you can see in the LN the elf girl gets a scene eventually so I guess most people will look forward to that when it eventually happens.
Buying from getchu gets this tapestry.
Hasan de Ageru ep2
Normally I meme the description for queen bee stuff because nobody really cares about them. However and I think I said this last month I couldn’t bring myself to do it because of something else on the horizon. That “something” comes out this month. I can’t make fun of queen bee for this month because this actually looks like a masterpiece compared to…..the horror later. Queen Bee as disliked as they are at the very least keeps the art close to the original work and this will be a very important fact soon. This month introduces a force far more evil than queen bee something truly horrific. Something that makes queen bee look like a savior. I actually am trying to keep it near the end so I can delay facing this abomination as long as I can.
Buying from getchu gets this tapestry.
Buying from Toranoana gets this bromide.
Hatsujou Switch
First the glasses girl doesn’t get a scene in the gakuen title then the loli landlord takes her glasses off halfway through her scene but then this title makes up for it by giving a glasses girl……for seconds. Based on the screenshots and the pv and the source material the glasses girl is only going to probably have like less than a minute while the rest of the episode is focused on the other girls. Like I said this month is trying to annoy me. The manga this is based on doesn’t have translations but there are more chapters than these that could be used for more episodes including a fox girl chapter. Nothing has been announced yet in regards to more episodes though.
Buying from pinkpineapple’s store gets a chance to win a signed script.
Kansen Sodom
I now understand why people eat tide pods. Here it is, the perfect title for a horror month. The worst hentai released in recent times with so many issues even knowing where to start is hard. I should point out this has nothing to do with the Kansen series despite it’s name. Since kansen is just japanese for infection/virus/etc it is just a name that appears in the title. So first off as you can see from the cover they are deliberately misleading people. Simply look at the source images and then the screenshots and you can see that the art in this does not even match the source. If you had not been told this was an adaption of the source you would never know. Like I said earlier despite all of queen bee’s flaws they still show respect to the original work and the artist’s style. This however what the fuck is this? Some people didn’t like Devilman Crybaby earlier in the year because of the art but the art in that was more fappable than this shit. This has got to be a complete nightmare for any artist to see this happen to their work. This is completely unrecognizable. Even the story seems to have been changed.
In the original manga 2 female cops and a male one are sent to investigate an incident happening at the school the same school the male cop’s girlfriend is a teacher. They then come across the virus going on there with everyone having orgies before they themselves get swept up in it. Here they seem to have changed it to just 2 female cops instead. Not only that most of the character’s from the original are not here. The characters used in the screens in most cases don’t have a manga version while the manga characters just are not there at all (I won’t even complain about the glasses nurse being gone because this thing is so horrible not seeing her subjected to this is better). So besides the art the story and characters are also altered from the original.
Someone and not just someone but multiple people looked at this ugly shit and said “yes there are people that will pay money for this let’s release it”. Seriously who is the intended audience for this? The fucking blind? Yes in fact that is probably the only people that could tolerate this since it certainly won’t be fans of this author’s work as they completely shit all over it that it is barely recognizable. With queen bee releases it makes sense why they still sell because fans of that artist can still treat their releases as essentially colorized versions of the manga since the limited animation won’t really be an issue since they were already fapping to still images with the manga so limited animation just makes it seem like all queen bee did is just color it in that case. But this no fans of the artist would ever want to buy this. Just look at the difference between the source and those screens it is completely unfathomable how something like this could happen. Imagine being the artist that made this and seeing this happen to your work.
What pisses me off more is that this was a reverse rape title which is a fairly rare thing and yet they ruined it with this art. I would hope I really really hope that other companies won’t be arrogant enough to think when this doesn’t sell that it means no one wants that kind of content rather than it being the terrible art. However the shit level with this is so high I refuse to believe other studios would make that mistake. Anyone should be able to look at this and know what the problem is. This is without a doubt the worst hentai of the year but I say it goes even further than that. This is probably the worst hentai of the decade period because of how bad the art is. I tried to think of something worse all the way back to 2010 and just couldn’t. Maybe there were one or two titles so horrible I wiped them from memory but as far as I am concerned this is the worst looking thing I have seen in any recent memory. Even those indie digital only dlsite releases done by a few people look better than this. Christ even hentai made in flash and posted on newgrounds looks better than this.
This is a insult on the entire industry as a whole by releasing something as shitty as this and you know what is worse? This new company that is releasing this plans on releasing more works in the future. Not an episode 2 of this unless they are keeping that a secret but on their website they actual have a listing for 2019 and even 2020 for titles in planning. It seriously takes them over a year to make this trash. As I was finishing up this post the title actually got leaked early ahead of it’s release date and so I watched it and it is even worse than these screens and pv already make it seem. When your pv has static images used you are not giving a good impression and this does indeed have such issues in the final release. Doesn’t really matter though as this is the ugliest looking thing ever released by modern standards. Why does this exist? What crime has humanity committed to allow for something so horrifying to be unleashed upon it? Pray for the artists whom already have their work set to be done by these people next. Perhaps the company will go under before then but in the meantime queen bee is no longer the worst thing to happen to hentai.
Saimin Gakuen ep4
The 4th and I guess final episode to that LN poro has been doing. Another one of poro’s “can’t remember because everything looks the same” titles. However this one was focused of pregnancy fetish so I guess the people that were into that might remember it. I honestly don’t think I have even skimmed through this title’s episodes since I don’t care for that. But for those that do at least you got someone making stuff for you too bad it had to be same face studio.
Buying from getchu gets this tapestry.
Hentai Merchandise
Ore ga Kanojo AR dakimakura
Maken no hime wa eroerodesu AR akimakura
The usual monthly AR dakimakuras from a1c for their releases. The only new release this month to get one is the fantasy title. The other one is from that other series that ended some months ago but has a boxset releasing this month so they made a new dakimakura for it to promote it..
It’s a shame we never really get horror themed hentai released during october and yet somewhat fitting titles always release either right before or right after. This month only really has that kansen title since it is like a zombie movie but the problem is it is so horrifyingly ugly no one cares. Then again that title alone makes this the spookiest month of all thanks to that. Everything else released this month actually goes up a few points simply by not being this disgusting mess. Really everything here looks better when you look at it it after looking at kansen.
We had 9 titles release this month but next month we go back down to only 6 currently with 5 of those 6 coming out at the end of the month. That seems to be the trend these days now as this month has 7 of it’s 9 release on the last friday of the month which is why these posts always end up being near the end of the month as I am left waiting for all the information and pvs for titles to show up.
Didn’t have enough time to do a lot of hidden things in these posts for halloween like I usually do. Mainly because unlike last year when I was just covering a single 5 minute short I am now doing 2 full length shows so don’t have as much time. But there may still be some secret stuff in here somewhere. It’s actually been 2 years since I started doing these invisible messages as I started doing them in my 2016 october hentai post and every month since then. The majority of people don’t know about them.