Inuhiro Episode 3-4 Fanservice Review

Everyday we stray further from God’s light.

We got 2 new episodes of Inuhiro, I’ll be doing them in 2-episode batches as each episode is half the size of a normal anime. These two episodes cover chapters 3-6 in the manga and add nipples in a Nekotani scene which is surprising and well done. A lot of up blouse shots and feet stuff in episode 3 and then latex dog cosplay in episode 4 for a really good all-around couple of episodes. The additions that are being done to anime are really tasteful and are adding to the overall experience. I have quite a few more screenshots this review which may indicate that there are less still frames in these episodes, the animation and voice acting has been superb still.

Episode 3:

Pochita realises that Nekotani is actually afraid of dogs so his plan is in jeopardy.

Saving Nekotani from a centipede bite.


Really surprising addition of nipples here but was done seamlessly.

Inukai using this as an excuse to teeter on the edge of bestiality once again.

Added down blouse shot that’s not in the manga.


Not sure how Nekotani is just acting as if this is a normal thing to do but good content.

Episode 4:

Inukai’s mom is 100% wondering where she went wrong in this scene.


Great use of panning that isn’t used in the manga.

Pochita’s kouhai is introduced in this flashback.

Backstory towards why Pochita has a crush on Inukai.

One thing I found weird is that they cut out a belly button licking scene, maybe they were under time constraints or didn’t feel like it fit but the physical interaction was the only one they had in this entire scene so it definitely was disheartening to say the least.

Pochita creating a plan in order to get back to his house when he was a human.

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They arrive at Pochita’s house when he was human.

Gfy Album

Overall, these episodes were interesting to say the least. There was a lot of specific fetishized content and pretty wide-spread as well so I think everyone will get something out of these two episodes. The main storyline is moving and Pochita got close to his original house. We were also introduced to the third main female character, Pochita’s kouhai in a flashback. This adaptation has been great and if you read the manga, you can see it does not just adapt the panels, but builds upon it as well which is really rare for an airing ecchi anime and not the BD. Once again, I’m looking forward to the next episodes and with these 4 episodes, I have confidence that the quality will remain similar throughout the season.