Plenty of censorship in Isuca’s long awaited debut episode, including at least one censorship fail.
Similar to Kenzen Robo Daimidaler , this anime opens up with a nude scene in the opening moments. It’s censored, but poorly, with a nipple visible to the naked eye through the black fog. It’s very easy to see on the crunchyroll version, though the screen capture loses a bit of detail and isn’t quite as obvious. Playing around with the color levels makes it a bit more evident.
There are plenty of other censored scenes in this episode, making it clear that the show intends to make up for lost time* after punting two episodes.
*(This series is only 10 episodes long, 11 if you count the OVA coming out this summer).
There’s also a scene with obvious screen cropping, in fact you can barely make out the edge of a nipple if you look very close (again, it was easier to see before screen capture).
Poor Sakuya keeps having her clothes destroyed bit by bit until her panties are all she has left. It reminded me of Lisara in pretty much every single battle she had in Boku H .
While I wouldn’t go so far as to say this is a good anime so far, I would say that I’m decently impressed by the direction it’s going in. The soundtrack is better than a lot of past ARMS projects have offered. The first episode merges service with action and plot without friction. The characters seem likeable, and the two leads already show good chemistry- enough that you could buy Sakuya and Shinichirou as a couple.
Just a shame that this show didn’t have the same budget as so many other past ARMS works. The source material here is excellent and the adaptation feels solid so far.
Getting Yasuomi Umetsu (Kite , Mezzo Forte , Wizard Barristers ) to do the ending sequence was unexpected and pretty cool. Not to mention sexy.