Kinsou no Vermeil Episode 10 Fanservice Review

More Vermeil

Heading into the season finale the fanservice is pretty light. But there’s still enough here worth covering. Episode ten picks up with the evildoer lolite appearing suddenly beside Alto. Yes, the name is Lolite.

So apparently Lolite is a dude. That settles that androgynous mystery.

While chaos is occurring in the school, Vermeil is daydreaming about her boy toy Alto. She looks as sexy as ever while doing so.

Lots of action and drama during the rest of this episode. Not much in the way of fanservice, however.

Like a true shounen hero, Alto activates his ultra instinct to save his beloved waifu.

I’ve never found full demon Vermeil to be particularly sexy, you know. But to each their own. She and Alto are swiftly defeated here. But the book that sealed Vermeil miraculously offers them a second chance.

Not a chance we see her in any fanservice shots. But shes pretty hot for a ghost specter thing.  She offers Alto a chance to see into Vermeil’s past. If he accepts Vermeil after knowing her history, they will be able to save the world. Very cheesy, but this is anime afterall.

The next episode is very dark, and explains a lot of Vermeil’s insecurity and attachment to Alto for accepting her for who she truly is.  To say that she didn’t have the kindest childhood is putting it mildly. Until next time where both of the final episodes will be covered in a single post.