To Love-Ru Darkness fanservice compilation – beta version

This fanservice compilation is my original “beta” version, which I made a few months before this site launched.  It predates my ability to encode optimally at 1080p, it’s very lax on the non-nipple fanservice, it doesn’t have an opening/closing and it doesn’t include OVAs 3 and 4.


DDL [1080p]:  part1, part2

DDL [720p]:  part1, part2


As this is less than the finished product- I’m not torrenting it until it’s fully ready for showtime- but I felt kinda bad about just keeping this to myself for the next two months.  Even this version is right up there with Ladies versus Butlers and Kanokon, in my opinion.

There’s a bit of a surprise montage at the end that I made as a bit of compensation for Mikan’s lack of service in the anime.  Some of the pictures are attributed incorrectly; I’ll get around to fixing that when I reboot this project in a couple months.

I’m hoping to have the final version out before the year is over, it really depends how quickly I can get a hold of a high quality version of the 4th OVA.

Look for the final version sometime after December 4th.