A lot of blushing, and a bathhouse scene with nipples later?
Caps, Stitches, and WebMs
Episode 5
Yuu kind of confesses to Koyuki.
She runs off because we must pile on those misunderstandings somehow.
Manic pixie dream girl being as manic as ever.
Something for you blush fetishists.
Rito-sensei taught him well.

Plot twist. They’re actually friends on Twitter.
I had the same reaction.
Bonding. You’re not fooling anyone, Seo. This is a harem.
Episode 6
Moar flashback.
Koyuki looks cute in glasses.
Moar blushing.
They make up.
Thanks, Truck-kun. Now Koyuki will have to undress.

There’s no way all this fog stays on the BDs. I’d expect—at minimum—blank nipples here.
Damn, Fuuka got an ass.
I’m predicting a 60% chance of nipple here.
Raising my prediction to 70%. This scene just wouldn’t be as effective without actual nudity.
Compared to other romance dramas, these episodes were heavier on blushing than actual drama. It makes viewing more enjoyable and less stressful, which is fine with me. Additionally, I’d be surprised if there aren’t nipples on the BDs. I don’t think Diomedea has done full nudity in the past, but maybe (hopefully) they’ll break the nipple ceiling this time.