Girls Bravo Episode 6 DVD fanservice review

Bravo on a Rainy Day! -Part 2-

Having Deja-Vu? Its part 2 of the Rainy day Episodes!
We start off with Koyomi really in the bath this time!

Meet Maharu! Miharu’s older sister by a milestone. She is the person who put in a complaint to the Bureau about her missing sister. Mostly because Miharu is apparently ‘getting it on’ with Yukinari day in and day out. Need I remind you guys that Seiren has a very low population of men. Back at Earth we get into shenanigan mode! 

The Meta! Unfortunately Yukinari has found the actual reason for Koyomi appearing, and after a talk with Miharu: They decide to that it is for the best for Miharu to go home. Though low in fan-service, this episode shows why old ecchi storylines were actually fun and easy to get into. Yukinari doesn’t overreact to this development, but feels depressed about it anyway. The show goes slowly through all the characters reactions about the two leaving, actually promoting the idea that beneath all the sleaziness, this group cares about each-other. Even Fukuyama gets angry.

Maharu lets Miharu stay on earth because she is happy there. Its not really a ‘big’ episode in terms of plot forwarding relationship or story. It’s an episode that points out each characters care for each-other and the dynamics for their relationships. Which is really a nice thing that doesn’t seem to happen much in Harem-Anime these days. It’s a great break from “This girl want’s protag! So does this girl” etc… and I’d like to see some genuine relationships portrayed in modern anime like this.

All’s well that ends well, and the shenanigans and moments of fun can begin for our crew! Just a small extra piece has been added. Cue – Tomoka

Because every Harem needs a loli!

Stitches: Thank you to ScissorMeTimbers! 

