Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu fanservice review episode 6


Slave markets are very interesting places.


This episode makes up for the past few ones having little service by giving us the most so far with this episode. The two main moments are a scene with Shera early on and some stuff with Rem near the end but there are other bits throughout.

Celes has called everyone to tell them she may have found a way to get the collars Rem and Shera have on removed. She points out that the collars are similar to the ones used by the slave market that comes to town sometimes and they have currently arrived. Diablo decides it is worth going there since the situation with the elves can be taken care of later since he plans on finishing that fast anyway so they head off for the slave market. After arriving Diablo thinks on how to keep his appearances up since he has never been to a place like that in real life.

After entering the market they meet Meidos whom at first thinks they are here to sell Shera and Rem but then quickly notices the huge amount of power coming from Diablo. Shera gets surprised at her having this ability and says she can do the same thing of detecting magic power coming from someone which no one else knew she could do.

After giving her the letter from Celes explaining things she agrees to teach Diablo how to remove the slave collars. Before that she notices the magic power coming out of Rem which is something strange she has never seen. Diablo interrupts her to change the subject before she is able to figure out Rem has the demon lord sealed in her. Rem asks Shera if she knew about her power but Shera just thought it meant she was strong and doesn’t have any suspicions about Rem. Afterwards Rem and Alicia go putside while Diablo is taught how to remove the collar on Shera first.

Your’s better not be that those glasses are fake and not needed making you a fake glasses girl. I would be more accepting of you secretly having a dick than not being a real glasses girl.

While Rem and Alicia are talking she tells Alicia about how she has a secret she was afraid of getting exposed. Alicia tries to cheer her up by doing something to make her feel better only to discover something strange happened to Rem’s hand when she did. Rem only feels her hand get warmer though and doesn’t actually see that something strange happened.

Meidos tells Diablo he needs to learn how to read the flow of magic like she can and to find the spot on Shera where the magic comes from and touch it. After finding it he is then told to send his magic power into it as well and that should release the slave collars. This is of course the main service scene of the episode and as expected the non atx version has a number of cuts and censorship here so the atx version is what you want to really be watching for this. We also got to see some nipple impressions through Shera’s clothes as well which hasn’t bappened since episode 2.

In the end they couldn’t remove the collars as Shera’s magic threads were too complex for him to untangle for the time being but at the very least he learned how to read people’s magic power now.

As everyone gets ready to go to bed they hear a flute and see Shera’s brother Keera at the door. He tries to act nicely to them telling them he only cares about what Shera wants making them suspicious that he might be trying this since the bounty hunter plan failed. He apologizes and said it was the king’s doing not his and he doesn’t want war and just wants what makes Shera happy. He agrees to come back tomorrow after Shera has had time to think about it and he will accept whatever answer she gives about if she wants to return home or stay with them.

For someone that plays videogames all the time Diablo must be undergoing some plot induced stupidity not to realize what is happening. If someone shows up with a flute in a magical world that you know has magical artifacts and makes a deal that relies on the decision of someone else even though everyone already knows what the answer that someone else is going to give right then and there thus making waiting till tomorrow for the answer pointless that should set off red flags as to what is probably going to happen. Should had broke the flute or took it before he left as flutes in magical worlds can never be trusted which someone that plays videogames would know.

Shera is still awake which wakes Rem up as they while Diablo pretends to be asleep and listens. Shera tells her she won’t return home and wants to keep adventuring with them and to eventually open up a cafe together. Rem says she can’t be a part of that because she doesn’t think about the future or have one as long as the problem she is facing is still there. But if Diablo is able to solve it then she would be happy to go along with her plans.

While Shera attacks Rem in the bed Diablo tries to keep pretending to be asleep. These scene also had some cropping censorship in the non atx version as well.

Meanwhile Keera is playing his poor man’s ocarina substitute and showing the moon his rape face. Unfortunately this isn’t Majora’s Mask and so the moon won’t be showing him it’s rape face back in return. As he states his plans for Shera the episode ends.



WebM Album.



Not only did this episode have the most service so far between the two main service scenes in this episode as well as Meidos and her clothing but this episode also had the most censorship so far in the non atx version. All the more reason that watching subs placed onto that version is the best idea since there will be other scenes down the line that will get this much censorship as well. With that said after seeing this scene it will be really interesting to see how they handle a certain scene with Rem much later on when we get to it. That scene will probably have even more censorship than this one did.

We should hopefully not have to worry about a low level amount of service episode for awhile now. Next week should have some stuff assuming they cover the rest of volume 4 of the manga which is where we are now to reach a certain scene. After that I’m guessing a scene involving a certain other character will be for the episode following that one. So the outlook for the next two episodes should be good and there is also some stuff I could see them making sure is spaced out for the episodes after that as well. We have now reached the halfway point but also the point in which service should really start to pick up now. So should be interesting to see what they do especially since some upcoming scenes could provide nudity potential if they decide to go the nude route.

Overall the show is still keeping interesting and now that the service has started to get to the best parts things will be even better. The scene with Shera felt like something you would see in Shinmai though obviously much less extreme than that and not on the same level as Shinmai. In a way though the dialogue and situation during that scene kind of reminded me of the Ar Tonelico series and some of the stuff in those games. Hopefully nothing gets toned down later on and they keep up the servicy situations and dialogue for future episodes.

Considering how strong Diablo is he could easily go to powerful areas and kill monsters that drop huge amounts of gold and become rich in very little time. Then when they visited the slave market he could had bought all the girls there to add to his harem to the surprise of everyone there that he was so rich. Then to add to the alpha aura should had asked Meidos if she was for sale as well since she is dressed like a whore herself. After flashing her large amounts of gold that took him only minutes to get but takes others years she would probably accept to be the slave of someone so rich.