Another Yan-Yam doujinshi parody. This time of a dating sim called LovePlus…
Continuing on with another series of scans that just happened to catch my eye. Once again thanks to seeing animal girls with nipples. Sadly, no animal girls in this collection…
This time it’s from a 2009 doujinshi called Love Juice – Nene Anegasaki@LovePlus by Yan-Yam which seems to be a parody of a dating sim called LovePlus.
I had never head of Yan-Yam before and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of information out there on the major anime and manga sites. J-List said Yan-Yam is an artist known for drawing sexy cute anime girls. Sounds good to me. Yan-Yam also seems to be the illustrator for an LN series called 29 to JK. And they have done hentai. You can find lists here and here. Last but not least, they have a pixiv account where you can find more of their artwork.
The bad news is that there were less than ten scans in this pool. And there were no anime girls! The good news is that there are more pools for Yan-Yam so there will be more art compilations in the future.
If you know more about Yan-Yam doujinshi / artbooks, please leave a comment.
Anyway, please enjoy the scans of Yan-Yam – Love Juice (LovePlus) doujinshi as found on
For the sake of faster page loads, I only uploaded the JPG versions. If you would prefer the PNG versions, you can find them in the pool. Just be warned that if you try to download more than 2 PNGs at a time, you might get banned. Also, if you register at, you can download all the JPGs as a zip file.
Please feel free to add your favorite Yan-Yam scans to the comments.
And please leave a comment if there are other artbooks that you would like to see a blog post on.
A tip of the hat to IHaveNoName for an assist with research into Yan-Yam.